A galactic opportunity to save time while looking for our most meaningful pictures
A galactic opportunity to save time while looking for our most meaningful pictures
Enjoy this demo to get a glimpse of what the sorting experience is like with Pixtours.
Also, note:
New features will be added soon, along with a new demo. Stay tuned!
Separating your pictures into albums makes them easy to transfer into apps like photo vault to keep the really private pictures away from your camera roll. Use PixTours to sort your picture into the albums you create in-app, "select all", transfer to the app of your choice to keep those pictures private. Delete the pictures out of the "outside" folder to remove them from your more view-able pictures in your camera roll, or photos folders. 🙌 You can now show your PG-13 friends and family your pictures without fear of embarrassment!
Your photos, especially on your phone, are a chronicle of your life events. Reviewing them is good for long-term memory. 🧠
Play a video game photo organizer app for photo sorting, and know yourself better. 🧐
Put all them pictures into a choice album and then go to them one by one to modify the pictures you liked most. Use apps like snapchat or instagram to tune them up and then post them for your friends to enjoy. 🙈
Rarely do we get a chance to review 'all' of our photos. We're in a changing world, in which the photo album is no longer a place to review memories and reminisce. Nowadays, it's more of a place where all of our memories pile up in heaps, and get totally forgotten. With exception to the few that we post to social media... But, for the obscure visually captured experience, until we want to show it to a friend, we'll then find ourselves frantically sifting through and sort through them to find it, often to no avail. 😑
With PixTours, photo organizer app, we get to revive a time when people revisit their photos. Photos that are nicely organized with care. After the photos are nicely organized into each folder, it will be easier to review and reminisce just like the past. And, while doing this, we can send them along to friends and family, edit and modify them in other photo apps, place them into our other social media platforms, and ultimately know where to go to see them. Combine photo sorting with a video game, and it'll get done. 😎
Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoy picture sorting with Pixtours!
💵 Save mountains of money on cloud storage yearly 💵
🤓 Clean Storage to Speed Up your Device 🤓
😇 Save good Memories- Discard the Rest 👹
😎Separate Photos into Albums for better Privacy😎
🤖 Completely and Easily Organize Photos 🤖
😻 Using an arcade photo organizer photo sorting app! 😻
"When you tidy your space completely, you transform the scenery. The change is so profound that you feel as if you are living in a totally different world." ~ Marie Kondo
Pixtours is proud to provide a video game interface for photo organizing. But, if you have a recommendation for a feature to help you sort your pictures more effectively, please don't hesitate to ask. We'll see what we can do to give you the best options for photo sorting via Pixtours photo organizer app.
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