A galactic opportunity to save time while looking for our most meaningful pictures
Note: You will find the custom created folders (folder categories you've created) in the same locations as these default folders.
Any photo you swiped left on goes to the delete folder. Go to the delete folder and clear them:
1) Go to the iOS Photos app or for Android Internal storage "pixtours" folder.
2) Find the "delete" folder.
3) Tap the "select" button at the top right of the screen.
4) Tap the "Select All" at the left side of the screen.
5) Tap the trashcan at the bottom right side of the screen.
6) Tap the "Delete" button. Or, if it asks to delete or remove from folder, choose delete. Free up that space!
This category is obviously named so for anything profession-related. From documents for a home business, to pictures with coworkers, trade shows, projects, designs, or work-related screenshots.
To find your folder:
1) Go to the Photos app or Internal storage and "pixtours" folder.
2) Find the folder labeled "Professional". All the pictures sorted into this folder will be there!
Here is another broad default category that will allow you to find what's been interesting you. Pictures of food, sports, cars, book pages, scenery, architecture, art, home projects, gardening, games, fitness selfies, and outdoor activities and events. Snapshots of articles, plants, gadgets, gizmos, sketches, personal memos, mantras, and more.
To find this folder:
1) Go to the Photos app or Internal storage and "pixtours" folder.
2) Find the folder labeled "Hobbies"
You probably get the idea by now, but.. The 'Social' folder is for our friends and family. All the shared memories. This is a view straight into the middle of all the love we surround ourselves with on a regular basis. This is the modern day photo album folder. But, of course you can make your own custom named categories, and even delete this category altogether.
Find the folder labeled "Social"
Note: Recall that the categories can be added or switched between by tapping on the collectors.
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